
Wear protection

Wear protection

Adhesive wear

Adhesive wear occurs when components in contact with each other are subject to high surface pressure at the contact points. Eventually the contact surfaces can adhere to each other. The rubbing movement of the components against each other releases particles from the surface. This causes holes and cold bonding and material particles can remain stuck to the sliding surfaces. Adhesive wear can be combatted by using surface coatings with a low tendency to adhesion.

Abrasive wear

This is a micro chip removal process caused by the cutting action of small particles which work their way between the friction surfaces of components. The relative movements of the components creates this micro chip removal action. Another cause of this type of wear is the roughness of one surface which cuts into surface layer of the friction partner.

Surface fatigue

This is a wear mechanism caused by cyclical mechanical loading. The result is the break up of the surface layers subject to loading. This also creates microcracks in the surface of the component.

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Tribo-chemical reaction

This wear type is caused by the reaction products resulting from tribological stressing. Here the wear is caused by the chemical reaction between the basic and/or mating material and the ambient medium following chemical activation of the stressed surfaces resulting from friction.


Wear protection
Corrosion protection
Electrical insulation